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Monday, September 24, 2007

Choice used car advices.

The Problem of the choice auto will often get up before people distant from cars and mistakes or invalid belief about bought machine often bring about unjustified expenses in the future or discrepancy of these expenseses expected.

The First group of the machines right before adjusted from Germany (the Europe), herewith not it is important, drived their stright or through chain go-between, shall say Germany-Poland-Lithuania-Russia. The First particularity for this categories always there is reason of the selling the machine there and her(its) buying for the following resale here (exclusive of rare custom-tailored and undoubtedly expensive variants).
Main reasons:
The Damage, often strong, the following repair (as a rule Belorussia \ Lithuania), quality of the repair can be different (either as degree of the damage of the machine), but usually he mark. Though, in all fairness select that part of machines is repaired on conscience or in Germany \ Europe, or in Hollow.
The Big run (usually 130-180 thous.) with the following zeroizing of the speedometer, usually typical of it is enough fresh machines. As a whole, for Russia normal variant, in any event remaining resource else there is, but the next repairs if certainly not to start this process, will not require large striking expenseses and sprained at time.
The Big age more interesting category, as this not strange. In this group exists so to speak natural selection if car worked before such years, that its master about he took care, went not so much and did not fall into serious damages, but reason of the sale exactly old age. Here important one moment speech goes exactly about machine from Europe, rather then called on 2-3 in Belorussia or Lithuania, the last worst variant, particularly belorussian. Though seller, sooner whole, will sworn that machine from Germany, the documents-that russian are right before executed! Sometimes service book will is presented even with heap stamp. Are Not tempted this lime quite uncomplicated do.
Most part situation machine after delivery 1-3 is used by master, which usually is not located to big embedding in repair and does only quite urgent belongings. The Remaining resource of such machine practically before the end, lavaliere presents itself pitiful spectacle and requires greater embedding, motor actively comsuming butter large repair. At basket and salon can be and in do not get prettier condition. Such car requires practically immediately serious financial infusion, but after undertaking the row of the work machine capable to travel about not yet one year. However new owner, after determination of its condition and aproximate count of the repair often falls into trance price of the repair in 2, but that and 3 times above cost of the machine and these money impossible to return under the most ingenious sale even. The Essence in following auto is sold \ is bought on the price, close to fair market for its year of the issue, completing essential dug does not play and sell her noticeably above this price hardly possible, regardless of conditions. Under such position of the things strictly there is two ways or immediately its sell, let with loss even, or having done immediately or gradually all necessities long on her to go. Exactly for this reason, machines, masters which have elected the second way on sale practically do not go. So looks wide-spread optimistic variant. But if car came to Russia already after damage, that, of course, for time of its usages of the consequence to this damages nowhere go, but if he was whole nobody did not disturb the first master to correct this position of the things. However, such belongings it is enough mark, simply it is necessary to be attentive at checkup or invite the specialist. Vastly worse third way. The Absence or unwillingness to use the decent service, using the inferior spare parts or domestic production, low octane or dirty benzine using, economy on filter and butter, oil, grease, steep alteration and modernizations made bad or even master capable itself to bring the machine before condition selfpropelled sidercar moreover, than сложнее machine so much the worse consequences. For instance, after adduction of the motor in normal condition, from old engine can remain only head of the block or block itself all rest suitable only on scramble, on lavaliere can tell the consequences adaptation domestic details and etc.

That in general to understand under notion good machine? For car right before adjusted normal basket (can be a small defects), without consequence of the strong blow , decent condition of the lavaliere and motor. The Available problem usually must pack in amount not more than 500, mah.1000$ (including spare parts on normal prices and work not in branded service). In process first-second year to usages don't care to come to change whole lavaliere and partly brake system, hereto follows to get ready. In any event process of the repair undesirable to start (if, certainly there is desire to go on fault-free car), otherwise at some moment accumulated volume of the necessary work will require the large amounts, which, on law to dirty tricks in this moment can and be not.

Does Not follow to build the illusion gaining car after 2-3-h year usage in Russia, at price of the buying is not a landmark of the condition of the machine. In 75% events this nearly to death killing lavaliere, row small defect in amount forming not one hundred of american money and at the best more-more operational motor. The Real price of such machines must be sale minimum less in 2-3 times, but this already market question.

However, on any sellout possible to select anything good. If no experience in some degree will help the checkup maximum amount possible variant with choice of them the most acceptable. In one price and model category scatter will be enormous and that the most pleasing, always possible find inexpensive and in too time good car, simply not it is necessary hurries.

And most main. Why-that many will not return itself report, what car they actually want,more exactly more often see only beautiful side or act on principle like s \ does not like. No need to forget there is back beside any medals. Powerful signifies above expense high октанового fuel. Packed drive and expense above and expenseses on repair of the lavaliere noticeably more. Making look younger - much more chances to driving away. Klimatik one more complex system requiring expenseses. The Colour metallic cherish colouration. And etc.

Thereby, hope, I have tangled definitively You. But that to do? Remains only to want good luck in set uphill battles.

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